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Risultati 100-120 di 327

Business & society

ethics and stakeholder management

  • Carroll, Archie B.

Organizational change for corporate sustainability

a guide for leaders and change agents of the future

  • Dunphy, Dexter 1934-

Corporate social responsibility [+]

the good, the bad and the ugly

  • Banerjee, Subhabrata Bobby

Making sustainability work [+]

best practices in managing and measuring corporate social, environmental and economic impacts

  • Epstein, Marc J.

Strategy for sustainability

a business manifesto

  • Werbach, Adam

Corporate social responsibility and corporate governance

the contribution of economic theory and related disciplines

The world guide to CSR

a country-by-country analysis of corporate sustainability and responsibility

Green marketing

come evitare il greenwashing comunicando al mercato il valore della sostenibilità

  • Iraldo, Fabio

CSR and SMEs: relations with stakeholders and competitive performance

perspectives of analysis emerged from three applied research projects promoted by the European Commission

  • Battaglia, Massimo 1973-

Risultati 100-120 di 327