Cerca per titolo, autore, soggetto

Risultati ricerca

Risultati 20-30 di 30

Problems of plasticity

papers contributed to the International symposium on foundations of plasticity : Warsaw, August 30-September 2, 1972

  • International symposium on Foundations of plasticity Varsavia 1972

Computational plasticity

models, software and applications : proceedings of the second international conference held in Barcelona, Spain, 18th-22nd September, 1989

  • International conference on computational plasticity 2. Barcelona 1989

Creep in structures

colloquium held at Stanford university, California July 11-15 1960

Plasticity in structural engineering

fundamentals and applications

  • Massonnet, Charles

Proprietes mecaniques des materiaux

rheologie, plasticite

  • Mandel, Jean

Risultati 20-30 di 30