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Risultati 140-160 di 499

The enigmatic netherworld books of the solar-osirian unity

cryptographic compositions in the tombs of Tutankhamun, Ramesses VI and Ramesses IX

  • Darnell, John Coleman

Isisfeste in griechisch-römischer Zeit

Daten und Riten

  • Merkelbach, Reinhold

The awakening of Osiris and the transit of the solar barques

royal apotheosis in a most concise book of the underworld and sky

  • Roberson, Joshua Aaron

Horus’ eye and Osiris’ efflux

the Egyptian civilisation of inundation c. 3000-2000 BCE

  • Oestigaard, Terje

Imhotep und Amenhotep

Gottwerdung im alten Ägypten

  • Wildung, Dietrich

The origins of Osiris

  • Griffiths, John Gwyn

In quest of meaning

a study of the ancient Egyptian rites of consecrating the meret-chests and driving the calves

  • Egberts, A.

Untersuchungen zur Überlieferungsgeschichte der Horusstelen

ein Beitrag zur Religionsgeschichte Ägyptens im 1. Jahrtausend v. Chr

  • Sternberg-El Hotabi, Heike

Five Egyptian goddesses

their possible beginnings, actions, and relationships in the third millennium BCE

  • Hollis, Susan Tower

The world of the coffin texts

proceedings of the symposium held on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Adriaan De Buck : Leiden, December 17-19, 1992

L'individu dans la religion égyptienne

actes de la journée d'études de l'equipe EPHE (EA 4519) "Egypte ancienne: archéologie, langue, religion" : Paris, 27 juin 2014