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Risultati 1-20 di 60

Salomé e Giovanni Battista [+]

immagini - iconografia dal 17. al 18. secolo

  • Lorandi, Marco

The last judgment in sixteenth century northern Europe

a study of the relation between art and the reformation

  • Harbison, Craig

Sacro e profano

temi mitologici e religiosi dalle collezioni civiche monzesi

Les cent chefs-d'oeuvre de l'art religieux

les peintres interprétant l'Évangile

  • Ponsonailhe, Charles

Imitatio pietatis

Motive der christlichen Ikonographie als Modelle zur Verähnlichung

  • Büttner, Frank Olaf


immagini di un mito

  • Bairati, Eleonora


destinées imaginaires d'une figure biblique

  • Claudel, Paul-André

The ancient Near East in pictures [+]

relating to the Old Testament

  • Pritchard, James B.

The ancient Near East

supplementary texts and pictures relating to the Old Testament : consisting of supplementary materials for The Ancient near East in pictures and Ancient near Eastern texts

The iconography of Job through the centuries

artists as Biblical interpreters

  • Terrien, Samuel L.

Simbolo e narrazione

linee di sviluppo formali e ideologiche dell'iconografia di Giona tra 3. e 6. secolo

  • Bonansea, Nicoletta

Images du salut

chefs-d' oeuvres des collections vaticanes et italiennes: [Toronto] Royal Ontario Museum, 8 juin - 11 août 2002

Risultati 1-20 di 60