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Risultati 440-460 di 4148

Profecia i poder al Renaixement

texts profetics catalans favorables a Ferran el Catòlic

Divine emptiness and historical fullness

a Buddhist-Jewish-Christian conversation with Masao Abe


  • Sabbatucci, Dario


a comparative study

  • Sabourin, Léopold

Prolegomeni ad una mitologia scientifica

  • Müller, Karl Otfried 1797-1840

Mythes et symboles de l'Europe préceltique

les religions de l'âge du bronze (2500-800 av. J.-C.)

  • Briard, Jacques

Myth, cosmos, and society

Indo-European themes of creation and destruction

  • Lincoln, Bruce

The war of the gods

the social code in Indo-European mythology

  • Oosten, Jarich G.

The cult of the mother-goddess

an archaeological and documentary study

  • James, Edwin Oliver

Die Erotapokriseis

  • Pseudo-Caesarius: Nazianzenus santo

Democrazie e religioni

la sfida degli incompatibili?

Irish monasticism

origins and early development

  • Ryan, John

Opere ascetiche

  • Basilius Magnus santo


l'élément féminin dans la religion mycénienne (d'après les archives en linéaire B)

  • Boëlle, Cécile