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Risultati 20-40 di 136

Kaiserkult in Kleinasien

die Entwicklung der kultisch-religiösen Kaiserverehrung in der römischen Provinz Asia von Augustus bis Antoninus Pius

  • Witulski, Thomas

Imperial cult

  • McIntyre, Gwynaeth

Un dios entre los hombres

la adoración a los emperadores romanos en Grecia

  • Lozano Gómez, Fernando


un héros qui vient de loin

  • Scafoglio, Giampiero

Ancient Greek hero cult

proceedings of the Fifth International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult, organized by the Department of Classical Archaeology and Ancient History, Göteborg University, 21-23 April 1995

  • International Seminar on Ancient Greek Cult 5. Göteborg 1995

More than men, less than gods

studies on royal cult and imperial worship : proceedings of the international colloquium organized by the Belgian school at Athens, november 1-2, 2007

Énée et Didon

naissance, fonctionnement et survie d'un mythe

  • Martin, René

Eroi salutari dell'Attica

per un'archeologia dei cosiddetti culti eroici salutari della regione

  • Gorrini, Maria Elena

Enej-celovek sud'by

k "sredizemnomorskoj"personologii, 1

  • Toporov, Vladimir Nikolaevic


  • Stafford, Emma

Devenir un dieu, devenir un héros en Grèce ancienne

actes du Colloque international en deux volets, Bologne, 20-21 septembre 2018 et Montpellier, 26-27 novembre 2018

Divine honors for mortal men in Greek cities

the early cases

  • Habicht, Christian

Le culte des souverains dans l'empire romain

Vandoeuvres-Genève, 28 août-2 septembre 1972

Subject and ruler

the cult of the ruling power in classical antiquity : papers presented at a conference in the University of Alberta on April 13-15 1994, to celebrate the 65th anniversary of Duncan Fishwick

Medea fra tipo e arche-tipo

la ferita dell'amore fatale nelle diagnosi del teatro

  • Pedrazzini, Paola