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Risultati 80-100 di 331

Greek piety

  • Nilsson, Martin Persson

Cults and rites in ancient Greece

essays on religion and society

  • Jameson, Michael H.

Greek federal states and their sanctuaries

identity and integration : proceedings of an international conference of the Cluster of excellence "Religion and politics" held in Münster, 17.06.-19.06.2010

Le mirage grec

l'Orient du mythe et de l'épopée

  • Tourraix, Alexandre


antiquity and its legacy

  • Rüpke, Jörg

Die Eigenart des griechischen Glaubens an Orakel und Seher

ein Vergleich zwischen griechischer und nichtgriechischer Mantik bei Herodot

  • Klees, Hans

Personal religion among the Greeks

  • Festugière, André Marie Jean

Cults and beliefs at Edessa

  • Drijvers, Hendrik Jan Willem

Savage energies

lessons of myth and ritual in ancient Greece

  • Burkert, Walter

Embracing the Immigrant

the partecipation of metics in Athenian polis religion (5th-4th century BC)

  • Sara M.