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Risultati 340-360 di 4952

Il senso della presenza

saggio sull'esperienza religiosa in William James

  • Petrillo, Rosanna

Albrecht Ritschl

La théologie en modernitéentre : entre religion. morale et positivité historique


ritual, myth and symbolism in the Aegean bronze age : proceedings of the 15th International Aegean conference, Vienna, Institute for oriental and European archaeology, Aegean and Anatolia departement, Austrian academy of sciences and Institute of classical archaeology, University of Vienna, 22-25 April 2014

  • International Aegean conference 15. Vienna 2014

Empire and religion

religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule

Psychologie et théologie

  • Pohier, Jacques-Marie

Le religioni del mondo antico

dai primitivi ai celti

  • Tokarev, Sergej Aleksandrovic

Religious deviance in the Roman world

superstition or individuality?

  • Rüpke, Jörg

Angels fear

an investigation into the nature and meaning of the sacred

  • Bateson, Gregory

Psychology and religion

a contemporary dialogue


Akten des 8. Internationalen Wittgenstein-Symposiums, Teil 2, 15. bis 21. August 1983, Kirchberg am Wechsel (Österreich)

  • Internationales Wittgenstein Symposium 8. Kirchberg am Wechsel 1983

Gotteserfahrung im Denken

zur philosophischen Rechtfertigung des Redens von Gott

  • Splett, Jörg

Religion in America

European and American perspectives