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Risultati 200-220 di 4952

Scrinium theologicum

contributi di scienze religiose

  • Guzzetti, Giovanni Battista

Comparer les comparatismes

perspectives sur l'histoire et les sciences des religions : [actes de la réunion annuelle organisée à Lausanne le 27 novembre 2004]

Die Philosophie der Religion

mit einem Vorwort von Matthias J. Fritsch

  • Storchenau, Sigmund von

Religion und Region

Götter und Kulte aus dem östlichen Mittelmeerraum

Corpo e anima

dall'epistemologia scientifica all'ermeneutica di cio che e simbolo

  • Tonini, Valerio 1901-1992 filosofo della scienza

Speculative and anthropological

criticism of religion: a theological orientation to Hegel and Feuerbach

  • Jaeschke, Walter

Temple building and temple cult

architecture and cultic paraphernalia of temples in the Levant (2.-1. mill. B.C.E.) : proceedings of a conference on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Institute of biblical archaeology at the University of Tübingen (28-30 May 2010)

"For salvation's sake"

provincial loyalty, personal religion, and epigraphic production in the Roman and late antique Near East

  • Moralee, Jason

Le lamine figurate del santuario di Reitia a Este

scavi 1880-1916 e 1987-1991 : ausgrebungen 1880-1916 und 1987-1991

  • Capuis, Loredana

Luoghi divini

  • Nancy, Jean Luc

Critique et religion

problèmes de méthode en philosophie de la religion

  • Duméry, Henry

Santi russi

  • Kologrivov, Ivan

Gods and demons, priests and scholars

critical explorations in the history of religions

  • Lincoln, Bruce

Introducing world religions

  • Urubshurow, Victoria Kennick

Fideismo assoluto

  • Dal Monte, Francesco