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Risultati 1140-1160 di 7068

The politics of anti-Japanese sentiment in Korea

Japanese-South Korean relations under American occupation, 1945-1952

  • Cheong, Sung-hwa

The colonial present

Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq

  • Gregory, Derek

Der nahe Osten in der Zwischenkriegszeit, 1919-1939

die Interdependenz von Politik, Wirtschaft und Ideologie

Bismarck, Europe, and Africa

the Berlin Africa Conference, 1884-1885 and the onset of partition

L'arte della prudenza

teorie e prassi della diplomazia nell'Italia del XVI e XVII secolo

  • Andretta, Stefano

Italy and Ireland in the 19th century

contacts and misunderstandings between two national movements

  • D'Angelo, Giovanni

Deutsche Aussenpolitik, 1890-1894

von der Gleichgewichtspolitik Bismarks zur Allianzstrategie Caprivis

  • Lahme, Rainer

Kindai Nihon to Chôsen

  • Nakatsuka, Akira 1929-

L'America nell'Occidente

storia della dottrina Monroe (1823-1963)

  • Mariano, Marco