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Risultati 1-20 di 299

L'espace et le temps

  • Borel, Émile Félix Édouard Justin 1871-1956

O relativismo de Einstein para todos


  • Oliveira, Samuel de

Spacetime physics [+]

introduction to special relativity

  • Taylor, Edwin Floriman

Proceedings of the 14. international conference on general relativity and gravitation

Florence, Italy, 6-12 august 1995

  • International conference on general relativity and gravitation 14. Firenze 1995

GR 14

14th International conference on general relativity and gravitation : preliminary programme, extended abstracts of plenary lectures, abstracts of contributed papers : Florence, Italy, August 6-12 1995

  • International conference on general relativity and gravitation 14. Firenze 1995

2001: a relativistic spacetime odyssey

proceedings of the Johns Hopkins workshop on current problems in particle theory, 25, Firenze, 2001 (September 3-5)

  • Johns Hopkins workshop on current problems in particle theory Firenze 2001

Global structure and evolution in general relativity

proceedings of the first Samos meeting on cosmology, geometry and relativity, held at Karlovassi, Samos, Greece, 5-7 September 1994

  • Samos meeting on cosmology geometry and relativity 1. Karlovassi 1994

General relativity and gravitation, 1989

proceedings of the 12. International Conference on general relativity and gravitation, University of Colorado at Boulder, July 2-8, 1989

  • International conference on general relativity and gravitation 12. Boulder, Col. 1989

Shape dynamics

relativity and relationalism

  • Mercati, Flavio

The geometry of Minkowski spacetime

an introduction to the mathematics of the special theory of relativity

  • Naber, Gregory L.

Einstein e la sua generazione [+]

nascita e sviluppo di teorie scientifiche

  • Feuer, Lewis Samuel


modern large-scale spacetime structure of the cosmos

Risultati 1-20 di 299