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Risultati 440-460 di 691

[Recensione di] Die Amerikaner in Deutschland

The Americans in Germany by Alfred Meschenmoser

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Die Post-Ihre Geschichte in Wort und Bild

The Mails -History in Words and Pictures, History of the Post by Gottfried North

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Die Relais der Norddeutshen Feldpost im Deutsh-Französischen Kriege 1870- und während der Besatzungszeit bis 1873

The Relais of the North German Fieldpost in the Franco-German War 1870- and during the Time of Occupation until 1873 Wartime Mails in France by Joseph Schallenberg

  • Cohn, Ersnt M.

[Recensione di] Fakes Forgeries Experts

Tales of the Expertizers - A Periodical Review

  • Geraci, Joseph

[Recensione di] Flugbatt-Propaganda im 1. Weltkrieg

PW Mail as propaganda by Klaus Kirchner

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Flugblätter aus Deutschland 1941

Propaganda War by Klaus Kirchner

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Forensic Philately

Philatelic Crime by Herman Herst

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] France - Poste Maritime Prephilatelique, Historie Postale & Catalogue

French Pre-Adhesive Sea Mails by Joseph Bergier and Vincent Pothion

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] German Submarine Mail of World war I

Underwater Postal History by Bernard A. Hennig

  • Cohn Ernst M.

[Recensione di] Geschichte der Philatelie

History of Philately, Philately's past by Carlrichard Brühl

  • Cohn Ernst M.