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Risultati 1200-1220 di 5337

Cardiac surgery [+]

morphology, diagnostic criteria, natural history, techniques, results and indications

  • Kirklin, John Webster


Cod. Vat. Lat. 4473

  • Rolando da Parma

Logopedia e fonochirurgia

relazione ufficiale, XXXII Congresso nazionale, Abano Terme, 27-30 aprile 1998

Complex topics in knee surgery

a sports medicine perspective

De la kélotomie sans réduction

nouvelle méthode opératoire de la hernie étranglée

  • Girard, Marc 1838-1873

Biological mechanisms of tooth movement and craniofacial adaptation

proceedings of the International Conference held at the Great Southern Hotel Columbus, Ohio May 8-11, 1991

  • Davidovitch, Zeev

The essentials of perimetry

static and kinetic

  • Reed, Howard

Chirurgia del nervo trigemino e del nervo facciale

relazione presentata al XLIII Congresso della Società italiana di chirurgia, Roma, ottobre 1936-XIV

  • Dogliotti, Achille Mario