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Risultati 1-20 di 56

Cosmic rays on earth

  • Allkofer, Otto Claus

International school of space science, 2001

course on astroparticle and gamma-ray physics in space : L'Aquila (Italy), August 30-September 7, 2001

  • International school of space science L'Aquila 2001

Giuseppe Occhialini

uno scienziato alla scoperta dell'universo invisibile

  • Museo del Balì

Proton-antiproton collider physics, 1981

(Madison, Wisconsin)

  • Workshop on proton-antiproton collider physics Madison, Wisconsin 1981

Kosmische Strahlung

Vorträge gehalten im Max-Plank-Institut für Phisik Göttingen

Cosmic rays, supernovae and the interstellar medium

[proceedings of the NATO advanced study institute on cosmic rays, supernovae and interstellar medium, Erice, Italy : July 26-August 5, 1990]


status and perspectives : proceedings of the cosmic ray international seminars Catania, Italy, 29 May-2 June 2006

  • Cosmic Ray International Seminar 2006: Catania

Cosmic ray physics

nuclear and astrophysical aspects

  • Hayakawa, Satio

Cosmic rays

  • Hillas, A. M.

The active X-ray sky

results from BeppoSAX and RXTE : proceedings of the Active X-ray sky, October 21-24, 1997, Rome, Italy

Very high energy cosmic ray interactions

proceedings of the 12th international symposium on very high energy cosmic ray interactions, Geneva, Switzerland, 15-20 July 2002

  • International symposium on very high energy cosmic ray interactions 12. Ginevra 2002

Very high energy cosmic ray interactions

proceedings of the 11th International symposium on very high energy cosmic ray interactions : "Gleb Wataghin" Institute of Physics, State University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, 17-21 July 2000

  • International symposium on very high energy cosmic ray interactions 11. Campinas 2000

Cosmic rays 97

solar, heliospheric, astrophysical and high energy aspects : proceedings of the 15. European cosmic ray symposium, Perpignan, France, 26 August 1996

  • European cosmic ray symposium 15. Perpignan 1996

A thin cosmic rain

particles from outer space

  • Friedlander, Michael W.

24. International cosmic ray conference

24. ICRC Rome 1995 : August 28-September 8, 1995 : contributed papers

  • International cosmic ray conference 24. Roma 1995

Risultati 1-20 di 56