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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 60-80 di 295

Human evolution

our brains and behavior

  • Dunbar, R. I. M.

Beyond evolution

human nature and the limits of evolutionary explanation

  • O'Hear, Anthony

Il comportamentismo

  • Watson, John Broadus

Evolution and the human mind [+]

modularity, language and meta-cognition

Birth to maturity

a study in psychological development

  • Kagan, Jerome

Psicobiologia dello sviluppo

una introduzione

  • Berardi, Nicoletta

The descent of mind

psychological perspectives on hominid evolution

Explaining culture

a naturalistic approach

  • Sperber, Dan

Why men won't ask for directions

the seductions of sociobiology

  • Francis, Richard C.

Early socialization

  • Schaffer, H. Rudolph