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Risultati 1-20 di 171

The roots of religion

exploring the cognitive science of religion

The varieties of religious experience [+]

a study in human nature being the Gifford lectures on natural religion delivered at Edinburgh in 1901-1902

  • James, William 1842-1910

Why God won't go away

brain science and the biology of belief

  • Newberg, Andrew

Emotion, identity, and religion

hope, reciprocity, and otherness

  • Davies, Douglas J.

La religiosità infantile

9 ricerche di psicologia religiosa condotte su 2200 bambini dai 3 agli 11 anni

  • Vianello, Renzo

L'individuo e la sua religione

interpretazione psicologica

  • Allport, Gordon W.


Formen der religiösen Kenntnisnahme

  • Pöll, Wilhelm

Die Religion und die Rollen

eine psycologische Untersuchung der Frömmigkeit

  • Sundén, Hjalmar

The psychology of religion

an introduction to religious experience and behavior

  • Clark, Walter Houston

Psychologie et théologie

  • Pohier, Jacques-Marie

Psychology and religion

a contemporary dialogue

Religion and the individual

a social-psychological perspective

  • Batson, C. Daniel

Dinamismi psichici e psicologia religiosa

il conteributo di Sante De Sanctis

  • De Santis, Luigi

Risultati 1-20 di 171