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Risultati 1-20 di 131

Thinking matter

materialism in eighteenth-century Britain

  • Yolton, John W.

The psychophysiology of thinking

studies of covert processes

Scusa, ho sbagliato

dialoghi sull'errore

  • Andreoli, Vittorino

Propositional attitudes

an essay on thoughts and how we ascribe them

  • Richard, Mark

Language and thinking

a philosophical introduction

  • Alexander, Hubert G.

Thought and personality

selected readings

  • Warr, Peter B.

Inner speech and thought

  • Sokolov, Aleksandr Nikolaevic


an introduction to its experimental psychology

  • Humphrey, George

Lines of thinking

reflections on the psychology of thought

Il pensiero

ricerche sperimentali e aspetti sociali

  • Bartlett, Frederic Charles

I bambini pensano difficile

l'organizzazione delle idee nella scuola dell'infanzia

  • Muntoni, Ludovica

Models of thought

  • Simon, Herbert A. 1916-2001

L'uomo indeterminato [+]

saggio su William James

  • Franzese, Sergio

A study of thinking

  • Bruner, Jerome S.

Thinking [+]

readings in cognitive science

Risultati 1-20 di 131