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Risultati 120-140 di 513

Folk physics for apes

the chimpanzees theory of how the world works

  • Povinelli, Daniel J.

Vergleichende Verhaltensforschung

Grunlagen der Ethologie

  • Lorenz, Konrad

Traité de la connoissance des animaux

  • La Chambre, Marin Cureau 1594-1669

Comparative psychopathology: animal and human

proceedings of the 55. Annual meeting of the American psychopathological association, held in New York city, February 1965

Hormones and behavior [+]

an enduring problem in psychology

Understanding behavior

what primate studies tell us about human behavior

Intelligenza in natura [+]

saggio sulla conoscenza

  • Narby, Jeremy

Zoologia, 2

Il mondo sensoriale

L' etologia [+]

Studio biologico del comportamento animale

  • Chauvin, Rémy