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Risultati 20-40 di 76

ASTM standards on copper and copper alloys

copper and copper alloys, cast and wrought, copper and copper alloy electrical conductors, non-ferrous metals used in copper alloys

  • American society for testing and materials


  • Butta, Enzo

Metal matrix composites

the next generation of high-performance materials

Structure des metaux

méthodes principes et résultats cristallographiques

  • Barrett, Charles S.

Materiali metallici

meccanismi di deformazione e di frattura

  • Daddi, Ivo

Disordered alloys

diffuse scattering and Monte Carlo simulations

  • Schweika, Werner

Dynamic plasticity of metals

course held at the Department for mechanics of deformable bodies, Udine, July 1970

  • Campbell, John D.

Schiume metalliche

tecniche di produzione, proprietà e applicazioni

  • Barbieri, Giuseppe ingegnere

Les alliages

trois leçons

  • Roberts-Austen, William Chandler

Invecchiamento delle leghe leggere

teorie ed ipotesi

  • Sella, Gregorio

Barême du poids des métaux

poids, volumes, surfaces, cylindres, sphères développements des circonférences, longueur des cotés des corps métalliques creux et pleins [...]

  • Jacquet, Alexis