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Risultati 120-140 di 275

Property law [+]

cases, materials and problems

Droit civil

les biens

  • Terre, Francois

Cases and materials on property

an introduction to the concept and the institution

  • Donahue, Charles

The political economy of Edmund Burke

the role of property in his thought

  • Canavan, Francis

Mixed legal systems in comparative perspective

property and obligations in Scotland and South Africa

  • Zimmermann, Reinhard professore di diritto 1952-

Droit civil [+]

introduction, les personnes, les biens

  • Cornu, Gérard

Diritti e denaro

il valore della patrimonialita

  • La Rocca, Delia

Die Beurkundung als materielles Formerfordernis der Auflassung

eine Untersuchung zur Form der Rechtsgeschafte

  • Pajunk, Frederik

Giudizi sull'appartenenza e pignoramento

contributo allo studio delle vicende della res litigiosa e pignorata

  • Miccolis, Giuseppe

Property Rights and Social Justice

Progressive property in action

  • Walsh, Rachael