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Risultati 1-20 di 75

Working class community

some general notions raised by a series of studies in Northern England

  • Jackson, Brian

Pittura e storia

lavoro e classi povere in Italia, 1850-1915

  • Cartiglia, Carlo

La fabrique des proletaires

les ouvriers de la manufacture d'Oberkampf a Jouy-en-Josas (1760-1815)

  • Dewerpe, Alain

Stayinʼ alive

the 1970s and the last days of the working class

  • Cowie, Jefferson

The wages of whiteness

race and the making of the American working class

  • Roediger, David R.

The dynamics of working-class politics

the labour movement in Preston : 1880-1940

  • Savage, Michael

Addio al proletariato

oltre il socialismo

  • Gorz, André

Work in France

representations, meaning, organisation, and practice

La fabbrica in versi [+]

nazionalsocialismo e letteratura operaia

  • Ferrari, Vanessa 1987-

American exceptionalism?

US working-class formation in an international context

The state of the poor

  • Eden, Frederic Morton

La France ouvrière

histoire de la classe ouvrière et du mouvement ouvrier français

Social policy in the Third Reich

the working class and the "National community"

  • Mason, Timothy W.

I nuovi ceti popolari

chi ha preso il posto della classe operaia?

  • Magatti, Mauro

L'invenzione della classe operaia

conflitti di lavoro, organizzazione del lavoro e della società in Francia intorno al 1848

  • Meriggi, Maria Grazia

Risultati 1-20 di 75