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Risultati ricerca

Risultati 1100-1120 di 26606

Politica economica e finanziaria

  • Griziotti Kretschmann, Jenny

The theory of monopolistic competition

a re-orientation of the theory of value

  • Chamberlin, Edward Hastings

Economic development and planning

essays in honour of Jan Tinbergen /edited by Willy Sellekaerts

Induction, growth and trade

essays in honour of sir Roy Harrod

Les États-Unis en devenir

puissance et transformation d'une économie

  • Dorel, Gerard

Economic growth of nations

total output and production structure

  • Kuznets, Simon

Economic stability in the post-war world

the conditions of prosperityafter the transition from war to peace : report of the delegation on economic depressions Part 2

La societa' per azioni pubblica

equilibrio economico e strategie di transizione

  • Cafferata, Roberto

Agricoltura biologica

norme e regolamenti : sistemi di gestione e certificazione delle produzioni agroalimentari

  • Pierleoni, Davide

La conferenza dell'arco alpino

le relazioni e il dibattito : Torino 27-28 marzo 1954

  • Conferenza dell'Arco Alpino 1954

After oriental despotism

Eurasian growth in a global perspective

  • Stanziani, Alessandro