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Risultati 160-180 di 478

Segundo simposio Ibero-americano de polímeros, Cuarto simposio Latino-americano de polímeros, Sexto coloquio internacional de macromoleculas

4-8 de Setembro de 1994, Gramado - RS, Brasil

  • Simposio Ibero-americano de polímeros 2 Gramado 1994

Makromolekulare Naturstoffe und Modelle

  • Symposium über Makromoleküle Wiesbaden 1959

The elements of polymer science and engineering

an introductory text and reference for engineers and chemists

  • Rudin, Alfred

Atti del [X] convegno-scuola su materiali polimerici

[Gargnano (BS), 5-10 giugno 1988]

  • Convegno-scuola su materiali polimerici 10. Gargnano 1988

Failure in polymers

molecular and phenomenological aspects

Cationic polymerization of olefins with alkylaluminium initiatiors

Polymere aus Nitrilen. Zur Thermodynamik der enthalpisch und der entropisch bedingten Entmischung von Polymerlösungen. The chemical synthesis and properties of polysaccharides of biomedical interest

  • Kennedy, Joseph Paul

Polymers in nature

  • MacGregor, Elizabeth A.

5th international symposium on the chemistry of natural products

London, 8-13 July 1968 : abstracts

  • International symposium on the chemistry of natural products 5. London 1968

Atti del [VI] Convegno-scuola su Biopolimeri

struttura e proprietà di polipeptidi e proteine acidi nucleici e polisaccaridi : Gargnano, Villa Feltrinelli, 4-8 giugno 1984

  • Convegno-scuola su biopolimeri 6. Gargnano 1984