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Risultati 360-380 di 478

Mezdunarodnyj simpozium po makrumolekuljarhoj chimii

SSSR, Moskva, 14-18 Ijunja 1960 g. : doklady i autoreferaty : June 14-28, 1960, Moscow, USSR : papers and summaries : Moscou, URSS, 14-18 juin 1960 : communications et resumes

  • Mezdunarodnyj simpozium po makrumolekuljarhoj chimii Moskva 1960

Protein-ligand interactions

structure and spectroscopy : a practical approach

Thermodynamics of polymer solutions

phase equilibria and critical phenomena

  • Kamide, Kenji

Das Kristallisations- und Schmelzverhalten hochpolymerer Stoffe

Macroradical reactivity studied by electron spin resonance

  • Zachmann, Hans Gerhard

2. convegno italiano di scienza delle macromolecole

Milano, 13-15 dicembre 1976

  • Convegno italiano di scienza delle macromolecole 2. Milano 1976

Macromolecular chemistry, 11

plenary and sectional lectures presented at the International symposium on macromolecules (the third Aharon Katzir-Katchalsky Conference) Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 July 1975

  • International symposium on macromolecules 11. Jerusalem 1975

Plastics, fibres, rubbers, resins ; Kunststoffe, Fasern, Kautschuk, Harze

starting and auxiliary materials, degradation products : Ausgangs- und Hilfsstoffe, Abbauprodukte

  • Hummel, Dieter O.

Additives and processing aids

spectra and methods of identification

  • Hummel, Dieter O.

Intramolecular statistics of a flexible chain molecule

Wärmeleitung in polymeren. The mean activity coefficient of polyelectrolytes in aqueous solutions and its related properties

  • Isihara, Akira

Viscoelastic properties of dilute polymer solutions

The mechanism of olefin polymerization by Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Applications of infrared spectroscopy to ethylene-propylene copolymers. ESR study of photodegradation of polymers

  • Osaki, Kunihiro

Theoretical and mathematical models in polymer research

modern methods in polymer research and technology

EPF 90

III European polymer federation symposium on polymeric materials : Sorrento palace conference centre, Sorrento (Italy), October 1-5, 1990 : abstracts

  • European polymer federation

Atti del [II] convegno-scuola su proprietà meccaniche e frattura dei materiali polimerici

Tirrenia, Hotel Golf, 2-5 giugno 1980

  • Convegno-scuola su proprietà meccaniche e frattura dei materiali polimerici 2. Tirrenia 1980

Kinetic theory and rheology of dumbbell suspensions with Brownian motion

The measurement of molecular orientation in polymeric solids. The propagation rate-constants in cationic polymerisations. Reinforcement of elastomers by carbon black

  • Bird, Robert Byron