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Risultati 20-34 di 34

Management of world fisheries

implications of extended coastal state jurisdiction : proceedings of a workshop organized by the World fisheries project, Institute for marine studies, College of ocean and fishery sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, July 8-11, 1985

Regolamento per il mercato all'ingrosso e per la vendita al minuto dei prodotti ittici

(progetto approvato in Commissione del 24-4-1939)

  • Firenze (Comune)

Guidelines for the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products from marine capture fisheries =

Directives pour l'étiquetage écologique du poisson et des produits des pêches de capture marines

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Committee on Fisheries. Session (26th: 2005: Rome, Italy)

International guidelines for the management of deep-sea fisheries in the high seas =

Directives internationales sur la gestion de la pêche profonde en haute mer

  • Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

La pesca in Europa

  • Barittoni Landi, Lucia

San Vincenzo e la pesca del pesce azzurro

cronache di mare

  • Biagi, Vinicio, 1936-2004

Risultati 20-34 di 34