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Risultati 1-20 di 295


an examination of the creative process : a report on the third communications conference of the Art Directors Club of New York

  • Art Directors Club New York

Creative thought

an investigation of conceptual structures and processes

Il filo d'Arianna

dalla parola ... al testo

  • Nugnes, Susanna


neue amerikanische Ansätze zur Erweiterung des Intelligenzkonzeptes

  • Ulmann, Gisela


psychoanalytische und philosophische Aspekte

  • Stein, Angelika


theory, history, practice

  • Pope, Rob

Tre forme di creatività

tecnica, arte, politica

  • Montani, Pietro 1946-

Creatività in azione

  • Amadori, Alessandro

Parole incrociate

guida alla scrittura creativa

  • Crovi, Raffaele

Krasota i svoboda

  • Erberg, Konstantin


Modewort oder effizienter Prozess?

  • Widmer, Konrad

Kreativität als Chance

der schöpferische Mensch in psychodynamischer Sicht

  • Matussek, Paul

Agire creativo

teoria, formazione e prassi dell'innovazione personale

  • Cinque, Maria

Scientific creativity

its recognition and development : selected papers from the proceedings of the First, second, and third University of Utah Conferences: "The identification of creative scientific talent"

Creativity & cognition

proceedings of the third creativity & cognition conference, Loughborough University, Loughborough, UK, October 10-13, 1999

  • Creativity & cognition conference 3. Loughborough, Regno Unito 1999

Risultati 1-20 di 295