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Risultati 1-17 di 17

Soils and sediments

mineralogy and geochemistry

  • Clauer, Norbert

Proceedings of the International symposium on river sedimentation

March 24-29, 1980 Beijing, China

  • International symposium on river sedimentation Beijing 1980

Pelagic sediments

on land and under the sea : proceedings of a symposium held at the Swiss federal institute of technology, Zurich, 25-6 September 1973

Studies of cave sediments

physical and chemical records of paleoclimate

Sedimentary geology and sedimentation

proceedings of section 15

  • International geological congress<22. ;1964 ;Nuova Delhi>

Sedimentografia [+]

atlante fotografico delle strutture primarie dei sedimenti

  • Ricci Lucchi, Franco

Le bas-plateau du "continental terminal" du Bas-Saloum (Sénégal)

observation et résultats d'analyses sédimentologiques et minéralogiques

  • Sall, Mamadou Moustapha <1965->


  • Ricci Lucchi, Franco

Risultati 1-17 di 17