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Risultati 420-440 di 3178

Dispensa di statistica

a. 1939-1940

  • Fornasari di Verce, Ettore

Applied game theory

proceedings of a Conference at the Institute for advanced studies, Vienna, June 13-16, 1978

Statistical tools for nonlinear regression

a practical guide with S-PLUS examples

  • Huet, Sylvie

Basic business statistics

a casebook

  • Foster, Dean P.

Lezioni sulla teoria degli errori

con applicazioni alla geodesia ed alla topografia : anno accademico 1945-46

  • Marcantoni, Alessandro

Temps locaux

exposés du séminaire : laboratoire de calcul des probabilités, Université Pierre et Marie Curie

Numerical analysis

proceedings of the sixth symposium in applied mathematics of the American mathematical society : held at Santa Monica city college, August 26-28, 1953

  • Symposium in applied mathematics 6. Santa Monica 1953