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Risultati 40-60 di 65

Vom Niedergang des unternehmerisch tätigen Staates

Privatisierungspolitik in Grossbritannien, Frankreich, Italien und Deutschland

  • Mayer, Florian

Der Staat auf dem Rückzug

die Privatisierung öffentlicher Infrastrukturen

Legal aspects of privatization in industry

  • Nazioni UniteEconomic commission for Europe

Privatization and after

monitoring and regulation

Privatization and the welfare state

implications for consumers and the workforce

Kremlin capitalism

the privatization of the Russian economy

  • Blasi, Joseph R.

The impact of privatisation

ownership and corporate performance in the UK

  • Martin, Stephen

Privatization and equity

  • Ramanadham, Venkata Vemuri

Privatization, deregulation and economic efficiency

a comparative analysis of Asia, Europe and the Americas

Privatization [+]

critical perspectives on the world economy

Privatization, deregulation and the macroeconomy

measurement, modelling and policy

  • Bergeijk, Peter A. G.: van

How does privatization work?

essays on privatization in honour of professor V. V. Ramanadham

Privatizzare per liberalizzare

una nuova politica industriale per rilanciare la competitivita del sistema Italia oltre le privatizzazioni

  • Abravanel, Roger

Government and the private sector

who should do what?

  • Ross, Randy L.