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Risultati 80-100 di 305

First Holloman symposium on primate immunology and molecular genetics

  • Holloman Symposium on Primate Immunology and Molecular Genetics 1966

Les Isinges

le gorille, le chimpanze, l'orang-outang, le gibbon, le babouin, les singes de l'ancien mode, les singes du nouveau monde, les singes dans le folklore, les legendes et les religions

  • Boulenger, Edward George

Primate locomotion

some links with evolution and morphology

  • Stern, Jack T.


  • Feremutch, Kurt

La donna che non si e evoluta

ipotesi di sociobiologia

  • Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer

Blood groups of primates

theory, practice, evolutionary meaning

  • Socha, Wladyslaw W.

Primate ecology

studies of feeding and ranging behaviour in lemurs, monkey and apes


expedition field techniques

  • Barnett, Adrian

Les singes

  • Boulenger, E.G.

Evoluzione dei primati ed origine dell'uomo

appunti dalle lezioni di Antropologia fisica

  • Chiarelli, Brunetto

Primates in fragments

ecology in conservation

Motherhood in human and nonhuman primates

biosocial determinants

  • Schultz-Biegert Symposium 3 Kartause, Ittingen 1994