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Risultati 540-560 di 1130

Les lactaires

description, déterminations, classifications, comestibilité

  • Blum, Jean

Alghe e loro utilizzazione

convegno nazionale, Lecce 5-6-7 giugno 1987

  • Camera di commercio, industria, artigianato e agricoltura Lecce

Lezioni di microbiologia

1, Microbiologia generale

  • Meloni, Giovanni Antonio

Systema lichenum Germaniae

die Flechten Deutschlands (insbesondere Schlesiens) : mikroskopisch geprüft, kritisch gesichtet, charakteristisch beschrieben und systematisch geordnet

  • Körber, Gustav Wilhelm 1817-1885

Algae Maris Mediterranei et Adriatici

observationes in diagnosin [i.e. diagnosem] specierum et dispositionem generum

  • Agardh, Jacob G. 1813-1901

Handbook of algae

with special reference to Tennessee and the southeastern United States

  • Forest, Herman Silva

Fundamentals of the fungi

  • Moore-Landecker, Elizabeth

The Zygnemataceae

(fresh-water conjugate algae) : with keys for the identification og genera and species and seven hundred eighty-nine illustrations

  • Transeau, Edgard Nelson

Fungi in the ancient world

how mushrooms, mildews, molds, and yeast shaped the early civilizations of Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Near East

  • Dugan, Frank Matthews

Function and structure in micro-organisms

15th symposium of the Society for general microbiology held at the Middlesex Hospital, London, april 1965

  • Symposium of the Society for general microbiology 15 London 1965

Aquatic microbiology

  • Rheinheimer, Gerhard