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Risultati 180-200 di 1130

Die Protozoen als Krankheitserreger des Menschen und der Hausthiere

für Ärzte, Thierärzte und Zoologen

  • Schneidemühl, Georg

The algae

  • Chapman, V.J.

Bacillus thuringiensis

biology, ecology and safety

  • Glare, Travis R.

Mushroom science II

comptes rendus de la Deuxieme Conference internationale sur la biologie et la culture des champignons : [the proceedings of the second International conference on mushroom growing] : tenue du 16 au 20 juin 1953 à l'Institut agronomique de Gembloux, Belgique

  • Conference internationale sur la biologie et la culture des champignons 2. Gembloux 1953

I funghi

come si individuano e si coltivano

  • Tosco, Umberto

Mushroom science I

the proceedings of the first international conference on scientific aspects of mushroom growing held at Peterborough, 3-11 May, 1950

  • International conference on Mushroom Science 1. Peterborough 1950

Atlas of bacteriology

  • Low, Robert Cranston


an introduction to protists

  • Poindexter, Jeanne Stove

Microbial behaviour 'in vivo' and 'in vitro'

fourteenth symposium of the Society for general microbiology held at the Royal institution, London, April 1964

  • Society for general microbiology