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Risultati 20-40 di 101

La mimesi e la traccia

contributi per un'ontologia dell'attualità

  • Antonelli, Emanuele

Art after modernism

rethinking representation

The condition of postmodernity

an enquiry into the origins of cultural change

  • Harvey, David

The anti-aesthetic

essays on postmodern culture


historicity, affect and depth after postmodernism

Strategien der Verdummung

Infantilisierung in der Fun-Gesellschaft

Lifestyle shopping

the subject of consumption

Être postmoderne

  • Maffesoli, Michel

L'ipermoderno spiegato ai bambini

lettere sulla fine del postmoderno

  • Charles, Sebastien

Postmodernityʼs histories

the past as legacy and project

  • Dirlik, Arif

Law after modernity

  • Douglas-Scott, Sionaidh

Zeitgeist in Babel

the postmodernist controversy


rivelazioni sulla socialità postmoderna

  • Maffesoli, Michel