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Risultati 1-17 di 17

De las estepas a los oceanos

el indoeuropeo y los "indoeuropeos"

  • Martinet, André

In search of the Indo-Europeans

language, archaeology and myth

  • Mallory, James Patrick 1945-

Les indo-européens

histoire, langues, mythes

  • Sergent, Bernard

Antichi popoli europei [+]

dall'unità alla diversificazione : corso di storia europea, anno accademico 1989-1990

The Indo-European homeland problem

the logic of the inquiry

  • Mallory, James Patrick 1945-

Ursprache, Urvolk und Indogermanisierung

zur Methode der indogermanischen Altertumskunde

  • Zimmer, Stefan

Proceedings of the Fifteenth annual UCLA Indo-European conference

Los Angeles, November 7-8, 2003

  • Annual UCLA Indo-European conference 15. Los Angeles 2003

When Worlds Collide

The Indo-Europeans and the Pre-Indo-Europeans

Gli indoeuropei e le origini dell'Europa

lingua e storia

  • Villar, Francisco

Proceedings of the Thirteenth annual UCLA Indo-European conference

Los Angeles, November 9-10, 2001

  • Annual UCLA Indo-European conference 13. Los Angeles 2001

Zum Ursprung der Indogermanen

Forschungen aus Linguistik, Prahistorie und Anthropologie

  • Kilian, Lothar

Des steppes aux oceans

l'indo-europeen et les "Indo-Europeens"

  • Martinet, André

Risultati 1-17 di 17