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Risultati 280-300 di 1220

Spatial analysis and population dynamics

  • European colloquium of theoretical and quantitative geography 6. Chantilly 1989

Population and metropolis

the demography of London, 1580-1650

  • Finlay, Roger

Ethnologie et histoire

forces productives et problèmes de transition

L'aumento della popolazione nell'era moderna

Infanticidio : una rassegna storica

  • McKeown, Thomas

Of population

an enquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind : being an answer to Mr. Malthus's Essay on that subject

  • Godwin, William

Contributions of Italian scholars

European population conference : Congrés européen de démographie : Milan, 4-8 September 1995

  • European population conference Milano 1995

Perspectives on population

an introduction to concepts and issues

  • Menard, Scott W.

Il modello continuo della popolazione stabile

una rilettura dei contributi di A. J. Lotka

  • Manfredi, Piero

The politics of population

the international conference on populationand development Cairo 1994

  • International Conference On Population And Development Cairo 1994

Collecte et comparabilite' des donnees demographiques et sociales en Europe

actes de la Chaire Quetelet 1991. Gembloux, 17-20 septembre 1991

  • Université catholique de LouvainInstitut de démographie

Les recensements lyonnais de 1597 et 1636

démographie historique et géographie sociale

  • Zeller, Olivier

Fecondità e lavoro della donna

un'indagine in quattro zone tipiche italiane

  • Bielli, Carla

Life histories and generations

  • Netherlands Institute For Advanced Study