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Risultati 1-20 di 272

Enzo Siviero

ponteggiando = bridging : mostra : Centro Culturale Altinate, San Gateano, Padova, 31 ottobre-13 dicembre 2009

Ponts improvisés

ponts militaires et ponts coloniaux

  • Espitallier, Georges


Ihre Konstruktion und Berechnung nebst sechs zahlenmässig durchgeführten Beispielen

  • Schwengler, Johannes

The appearance of bridges

  • Great BritainMinistry of transport

Building bridges

history, technology, construction

  • Wittfoht, Hans

Bridge decks

design, construction, rehabilitation, replacement

  • Bettigole, Neal

Hölzerne Brücken

Státische Berechnung und Bau der gebräuchlichsten Anordnungen

  • Laskus, August


  • Stabilini, Luigi

6th Japanese german bridge symposium

August 29 - September 1, 2005, Munich, Germany : proceedings

The shard

London bridge tower

  • Piano, Renzo

Proceedings of the symposium on the failure and defects of bridges and structures

[held on September 5th, 1957

  • Symposium on the failure and defects of bridges and structures Tokio 1957


Ästhetik und Gestaltung : aesthetics and design

  • Leonhardt, Fritz

Risultati 1-20 di 272