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Risultati 120-140 di 384

Philosophie du droit international

l'impossible capture de l'humanité

  • Lejbowicz, Agnes

No virtue like necessity

realist thought in international relations since Machiavelli

  • Haslam, Jonathan

Geopolitics and geoculture [+]

essays on the changing world-system

  • Wallerstein, Immanuel

Fathers of international thought

the legacy of political theory

  • Thompson, Kenneth W.

The perils of anarchy

contemporary realism and international security

On humane governance

toward a new global politics : the World order models project report of the Global civilization initiative

  • Falk, Richard A.

Wozu noch Staaten?

zu den Funktionen eines modernen demokratischen Rechtsstaats in einer zunehmend überstaatlichen Welt

  • Saladin, Peter

Communitarian international relations

the epistemic foundations of international relations

  • Adler, Emanuel

Sir Harold Nicolson and international relations

the practitioner as theorist

  • Drinkwater, Derek

Ways of war and peace

realism, liberalism, and socialism

  • Doyle, Michael W.

Un monde sans souveraineté

les États entre ruse et responsabilité

  • Badie, Bertrand

The logic of anarchy

neorealism to structural realism

  • Buzan, Barry

Realism, idealism and international politics

a reinterpretation

  • Griffiths, Martin

The limits of independence

relations between states in modern world

  • Watson, Adam 1914-