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Risultati 40-60 di 73

Polymer photophysics

luminescence, energy migration, and molecular motion in synthetic polymers

Fester Zustand der hochpolymeren Substanzen

Vorträge und Diskussionen, gehalten auf der Marburger Diskussionstagung am 16. und 17. Mai 1950

Macromolecules in cultural heritage

selected contributions from the conference in Catania (Italy), November 9-11, 2005

Macromolecular microsymposium, 14.

4. Discussion conference on macromolecules : specially invited and main lectures presented at the conferences held at Prague and Mariánské Lázne during 26-29 August and 2-5 September 1974

  • Macromolecular microsymposium 14. Praga 1974

Physical chemistry of polymers

  • Tager, Anna Aleksandrovna

Fundamentals of synthetic polymer technology

in its chemical and physical aspects

  • Houwink, R.