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Risultati 260-280 di 367

Das Kristallisations- und Schmelzverhalten hochpolymerer Stoffe

Macroradical reactivity studied by electron spin resonance

  • Zachmann, Hans Gerhard

Einführung in die Chemie der polymeren Kohlenhydrate

ein Grundriss der Chemie der Stärke, des Glykogens, der Zellulose und anderer Polysaccharide

  • Karrer, Paul

Intramolecular statistics of a flexible chain molecule

Wärmeleitung in polymeren. The mean activity coefficient of polyelectrolytes in aqueous solutions and its related properties

  • Isihara, Akira

Viscoelastic properties of dilute polymer solutions

The mechanism of olefin polymerization by Ziegler-Natta catalysts. Applications of infrared spectroscopy to ethylene-propylene copolymers. ESR study of photodegradation of polymers

  • Osaki, Kunihiro

New fibers

  • Hongu, Tatsuya

Metalorganic polymers

  • Andrianov, Kuzma Andrianovich

Atti del [II] convegno-scuola su proprietà meccaniche e frattura dei materiali polimerici

Tirrenia, Hotel Golf, 2-5 giugno 1980

  • Convegno-scuola su proprietà meccaniche e frattura dei materiali polimerici 2. Tirrenia 1980

Kinetic theory and rheology of dumbbell suspensions with Brownian motion

The measurement of molecular orientation in polymeric solids. The propagation rate-constants in cationic polymerisations. Reinforcement of elastomers by carbon black

  • Bird, Robert Byron

IX Convegno italiano di scienza delle macromolecole

[atti] : 15-20 ottobre 1989, Bologna

  • Convegno italiano di scienza delle macromolecole 9. Bologna 1989