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Risultati 60-80 di 222

Della poetica

  • Patrizi, Francesco 1529-1597

Poetica e poesia

questioni di teoria e analisi testuali

  • Jakobson, Roman

Más allá de las neblinas de noviembre

perspectivas sobre la poesía occidental y oriental

  • Reckert, Stephen

Saggi sul bello sulla poesia e sullo stile

redazioni inedite 1819-1822 : edizioni a stampa 1833-1838

  • Visconti, Ermes

More than cool reason

a field guide to poetic metaphor

  • Lakoff, George


theory of language and literature

  • Graham, Joseph F.

La lettre et la voix

de la littérature médiévale

  • Zumthor, Paul


deutsche Barockpoetik und rhetorische Tradition

  • Dyck, Joachim

The quarrel between philosophy and poetry

studies in ancient thought

  • Rosen, Stanley

Neo-formalist papers

contributions to the silver jubilee conference to mark 25 years of the Neo-Formalist Circle : held at Mansfield College, Oxford 11-13 September, 1995

Poetics of the text

essays to celebrate twenty years of the Neo-Formalist Circle

La production du texte

  • Riffaterre, Michael