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Risultati 80-100 di 116

La lirica greca [+]

temi e testi

  • Neri, Camillo

I lirici greci

forme della comunicazione e storia del testo : atti dell'Incontro di studi, Messina, 5-6 novembre 1999

Greek lyric poetry [+]

a commentary on selected larger pieces : Alcman, Stesichorus, Sappho ...

  • Hutchinson, G. O.

Greek Elegy and Iambus

a selection

  • Allan, William, 1970-

Three classical poets

Sappho, Catullus and Juvenal

  • Jenkyns, Richard

Sappho and Alcaeus [+]

an introduction to the study of ancient Lesbian poetry

  • Page, Denys Lionel

Metrica greca arcaica

  • Gentili, Bruno 1915-2014

Geschichte und Theorie der Gattung Paian

eine kritische Untersuchung mit einem Ausblick auf Behandlung und Auffassung der lyrischen Gattungen bei den alexandrinischen Philologen

  • Schröder, Stephan

Sappho and Alcaeus

an introduction to the study of ancient lesbian poetry

  • Sapfō

The nature of early Greek lyric [+]

three preliminary studies

  • Fowler, Robert Louis

I temi e i motivi della lirica corale ellenica

introduzione, analisi e indice semantematici : Alcmane, Simonide, Pindaro, Bacchilide

  • Pavese, Carlo Odo

Pindars Homer

the lyric possession of an epic past

  • Nagy, Gregory


the poetry of Alcman, Sappho, Pindar, Bacchylides, and Corinna

  • Segal, Charles