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Risultati 200-220 di 340

Paradeigmata poetica Christiana

Untersuchungen zur christlichen lateinischen Dichtung

  • Opelt, Ilona

Lucretius and Cicero's verse

  • Merrill, William August

The interpretation of Roman poetry

empiricism or hermeneutics?

Repetition in Latin poetry

figures of allusion

  • Wills, Jeffrey

Rome et l'age d'or

de Catulle a Ovide : vie et mort d'un mythe

  • Brisson, Jean-Paul

Il parto dell'orsa

studi su Virgilio, Ovidio e Seneca

  • Degl'Innocenti Pierini, Rita

Ille ego qui

Dichter zwischen Wort und Macht

  • Koster, Severin

Latin poetry

the age of rhetoric and satire

  • Mendell, Clarence Whittlesey

The war with God

theomachy in Roman imperial poetry

  • Chaudhuri, Pramit

The closure of space in roman poetics

empire's inward turn

  • Rimell, Victoria 1974-