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Risultati 80-100 di 335

Surprised by Sin [+]

the reader in Paradise Lost

  • Fish, Stanley

Through a glass darkly

Miltonʼs reinvention of the mythological tradition

  • Mulryan, John

Il paradiso riconquistato

  • Milton, John 1608-1674

Poetical works

  • Fletcher, Giles

Miltonʼs epic poetry

essays on Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained

When in the shade

imaginal equivalents in Anne the countess of Winchilsea's poetry

  • Ellis D'Alessandro, Jean M.

Unpremeditated verse

feeling and perception in Paradise Lost

  • Shumaker, Wayne

Milton and the tangles of Neaeraʼs hair

the making of the 1645 Poems

  • Revard, Stella Purce

Thomas Traherne

mystic and poet

  • Salter, K. W.

The complete poems, 1878

  • More, Henry 1614-1687