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Risultati 1-20 di 4523

Chaucer review

a journal of medieval studies and literary criticism

The story of beowulf

translated from the Anglo-Saxon into modern English prose

The spirit of place in Keats

sketches of persons and places known by him, and his reaction to them

  • Murchie, Guy

The Macro plays

Mankind (ab. 1475), Wisdom (ab. 1460), The castle of perseverance (ab. 1425)

Stories from Chaucer

retold from the Canterbury tales

  • McSpaden, Joseph Walker

The childhood of Edward Thomas

a fragment of autobiography

  • Thomas, Edward

The burning oracle

studies in the poetry of action

  • Knight, G. Wilson

Piers Plowman

a glossary of legal diction

  • Alford, John A.

Risultati 1-20 di 4523