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Risultati 20-40 di 1284

Epigramas helenísticos de Creta

  • Martínez Fernández, Ángel

Il ratto di Elena

  • Colluthus Lycopolitanus

Interaction in poetic imagery

with special reference to early Greek poetry

  • Silk, M.S.

Bion of Smyrna

the fragments and the Adonis

  • Bion Smyrnaeus

La parole chez Hésiode

à la recherche de l'harmonie perdue

  • Leclerc, Marie-Christine

Epic prooemium

a study in the design and purpose of Hesiod's Theogony

  • Duban, Jeffrey M.

I fiori campestri di Posidippo

ricerca sulla lingua e lo stile di Posidippo di Pella

  • Di Nino, Margherita Maria

Hesiod and classical Greek poetry

reception and transformation in the fifth century BCE

  • Stamatopoulou, Zoe