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Risultati 480-500 di 2184

Ironie in de Odyssee

with a summary in English

  • Dekker, Annie Femmina

Aphroditehymnos, Aeneas und Homer

Sprachliche Untersuchungen zum Homerproblem

  • Heitsch, Ernst

Flesh and spirit in the songs of Homer

a study of words and myths

  • Clarke, Michael J.

L'occhio della mente

un'eredità indoeuropea nei poemi omerici

  • Bartolotta, Annamaria

I romanzi greci

  • Marcovaldi, Gaetano

The Argonautica of Apollonius

literary studies

  • Hunter, Richard L.

Stilwandel im homerischen Epos

Studien zur Poetik und Theorie der epischen Gattung

  • Friedrich, Rainer

Elogio dell'anima

uno studio sull'Odissea

  • Valenti, Veronica


the Greek and Armenian versions with a study of translation technique

  • Muradyan, Gohar

Die Melampodie

versuch einer Rekonstruktion des Inhalts

  • Löffler, Ingrid