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Risultati 360-380 di 2184

Love and providence

recognition in the ancient novel

  • Montiglio, Silvia

Omero quotidiano

vite di Omero

  • De Martino, Francesco

Le postomeriche

libri VIII-XIV

  • Quintus Smyrnaeus

Le memorie socratiche

Parte I, libri I e II

  • Xenophon

Goal accusative and object accusative in Homer

a contribution to the theory of transitivity

  • Boel, Gunnar de


légende et mythe

  • Mactoux, Marie-Madeleine

Achille eroe implacabile

studio psicologico sull'Iliade

  • Valgiglio, Ernesto

From listeners to viewers

space in the Iliad

  • Tsagalis, Christos

Rediscovering Homer

inside the origins of the epic

  • Dalby, Andrew