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Risultati 220-240 di 2188

Middle passages

  • Brathwaite, Edward Kamau

George Bowering selected poems


  • Bowering, George

Night coach

  • Fraticelli, Marco

Ariel Ascending

writings about Sylvia Plath

The midnight window

including the featured poem "The midnight window" and other selected poems

  • Scott, Edward

Canti di Roma antica

Poesie sulla schiavitù e frammenti

  • Macaulay, Thomas Babington 1800-1859

Inspiring Women

reimagining the Muse

  • Deshazer, Mary K.

Voices & visions

the poet in America

  • Vendler, Helen

Final Harvest

Emily Dickinson's Poems

  • Dickinson, Emily

A masque of mercy

  • Frost, Robert 1874-1963

Anne Sexton

la mappa perduta

  • Coco Davani, Maria Carmela

Words and silence

on the poetry of Thomas Merton

  • Lentfoehr, Therese

The modern dilemma

Wallace Stevens, T.S. Eliot and humanism

  • Surette, Leon

False shuffles

  • Urquhart, Jane