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Risultati 40-60 di 66

Mostra di pitture cinesi delle dinastie Ming e Ch'ing

Roma, Palazzo Brancaccio, 6-30 aprile 1950

Mostra di antichi ritratti cinesi


  • Mostra di antichi ritratti cinesi, 1956, Milano

Chinese art treasures

A selected group of objects from The Chinese national palace museumk and the Chinese national central museum, Taichungm Taiwan. Exhibited in the United States by the Government of the Republic of China [...]. 1961-1962

The chinese eye

an interpretation of chinese paintings

  • Yee, Chiang

Chinese pictorial art

as viewed by the connoisseur. Notes on the means and methods of traditional chinese connosseurship of pictorial art, based upon a study of the art of mounting scrolls in China and Japan. With 160 plates, and 42 actual samples of chinese and japanese paper, in pocket

  • Gulik, R. H. van

Chinese painting

  • Swann, Peter C.

La pittura cinese [+]

  • Giuganino, Alberto, 1887-1979

The Tao of painting

a study of the ritual disposition of chinese painting. With a translation of the Chieh Tzu Yuan Hua Chuan or Mustard seed garden manual of painting 1679-1701. Volume one

  • Sze, Mai-Mai

Il vuoto e il pieno

il linguaggio pittorico cinese

  • Cheng, François

Pittori cinesi contemporanei

catalogo di Giovanni Carandente

  • Mostra pittori cinesi contemporanei, 1960, Roma

From heaven to earth

Chinese contemporary painting

  • Sassoli De Bianchi, Lorenzo

Huhsien [+]

pittori contadini della nuova Cina