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Risultati 160-180 di 256

Jackson Pollock

energy made visible

  • Friedman, B. H.

Regole e caso

  • Legrenzi, Paolo

Jackson Pollock

the Museum of modern art, New York

Caroline Burton Michahelles

  • Michahelles, Caroline Burton

La peinture americaine

de la periode coloniale a nos jours

  • Prown, Jules David

Maro Gorky

from another place

  • Gorky, Maro

Julio Larraz

  • Larraz, Julio

Julio Larraz

Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Venezia, 14 luglio-31 agosto 2001

Amaranth Ehrenhalt

american artist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. to Paris, France and Pietrasanta, Italy

  • Ehrenhalt, Amaranth Roslyn, 1928-

Edward Hopper 1882-1967

visione della realtà

  • Kranzfelder, Ivo

American masters

the voice and the myth in modern art

  • OʼDoherty, Brian

Frank Stella

paintings 1958 to 1965 : a catalogue raisonne

  • Stella, Frank

Reconciliation elegy

  • Motherwell, Robert


works on paper, 1949-1984

  • Wilkin, Karen


  • Weller, Allen Stuart

Maro Gorky

ritmi e silenzi colorati